Finding Harry’s work is a daunting task as a general statement, but the early work is perhaps the most challenging. Assignments were typically not for major publications. Ad assignments for larger publications probably often went unsigned – Harry’s stature did not yet warrant a signature. A steady stream of identified work only begins around 1920 or so, when Harry was 33 years old. This being said, below are some scans of early Timmins work I’ve been able to track down online. I haven’t laid hands on a single one of these – they are scarce. The 1916 poster entry in the Palette & Chisel Club’s 21st Annual Exhibition of Graphic and Applied Arts demonstrates Harry’s ability to illustrate autos, and foreshadows things to come.
The Clothier and Furnisher, v. 79, October 1911
Popular Electricity cover, March 1912
Popular Electricity cover, November 1912
Popular Electricity cover, December 1912
Dry Goods Reporter April 6, 1912 cover
Dry Goods Reporter June 15, 1912 cover
Dry Goods Reporter July 6, 1912 story illustration
Dry Goods Reporter August 17, 1912 cover - reused with different color!
Dry Goods Reporter October 5, 1912 millinery ad. One of a series with different women with hats...
Dry Goods Reporter July 19, 1913 - updated millinery ad series for a new year...
Palette & Chisel entry, 1916. Unable to remove moire pattern in the scan.