Cosmopolitan (1931-36)

Timmins was a minor illustrator for Cosmopolitan – between 1931 and 1936, he had a total of 10 assignments, and 6 of these were for the serial Static.  I was hesitant to include Harry’s work for Cosmo on this site – the quality of the paper used in the magazine was/is relatively low, and as a result the pages and illustrations have not fared well with the passage of the decades.  After some trial and error in working on the scans, for the purposes of completeness, I’ve included 5 illustrations that Harry did for Cosmopolitan.  These are not necessarily his best work for Cosmo – they are the ones I could clean up enough to make presentable according to my standards!  Story text has been removed throughout for a cleaner presentation.

October 1931 - Wife In Love, page 2
January 1932 - Static, page 4
March 1932 - Charity Begins At Home, page 2
March 1932 - Static, page 2
December 1936