Collier's: Detective O'Malley 4 (1940-42)

Timmins continued to illustrate all O’Malley installments through the end of 1942, when William Mac Harg stopped writing them.  It is unclear what led Mac Harg to cease his O’Malley work; the cessation occurred during the early part of World War II, but there may be no connection between the two.  Timmins went out with a bang during these final O’Malley years, producing many fine and memorable illustrations.  Until 1942, Harry’s style alternated between glamourous and pulpy.  In 1942, it turned full glamour, a development which occurred across his other illustrations as well.  Below is a generous sample of illustrations from these final years.  Story text has been removed for a cleaner presentation. 

February 3, 1940
May 18, 1940
May 25, 1940
August 3, 1940
September 7, 1940
January 25, 1941
March 15, 1941
February 21, 1942
September 9, 1942
October 31, 1942